Dec 14, 2021
In this episode, my co-coach Sheridan and I explore the role of grief in unpacking anxiety within healthy, loving, flawed partnerships. It is so important to not take every thought at face value, but to dig deeper!
Nov 30, 2021
This episode has been needed for SO long! I'm aware that I most often speak to people who identify as women that are in relationships with people who identify as men. In this episode, I speak to why and also share ways to expand the conversation since I don't think the experience is exactly the same for all genders...
Oct 31, 2021
The most common question I ever get asked gets answered in THIS podcast with one of my closest friends, Chelsea Horton, who is a fellow relationship anxiety specialist herself. Enjoy!
Sep 24, 2021
FINALLY, the episode so many of you have been asking for! Long-distance relationships take relationship anxiety to a whole new level. If you're wondering how to navigate relationship anxiety while in a long-distance relationship, this episode is for you. From basic fundamental rules of thumb to the nitty...
Sep 4, 2021
While I think it's so useful to normalize dips in attraction, that's only half the puzzle in satisfying long-term relationships! True empowerment comes from knowing how to shift sluggish, disempowering dynamics into self-aware, humble, inspiring ones. Tune in to learn how to do this. This was a complete game-changer in...