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The Anxious Love Coach

Here we talk relationship anxiety, ROCD, and upgrading love partnerships-- how to go from DOUBTING your relationship to LOVING it and gushing about your partner.

Sep 13, 2022

A question we’ve had come up in our self-study course and also in our DMs– what do you do if your partner watches porn or follows a bunch of hot women on social media? (This speaks mostly to a pattern I see coming from women in relationships with men, but as always, not always.) In this episode, I share some thoughts on (particularly the excessive use of) pornography … as always, take what empowers you, and discard what doesn’t. This conversation has lots of context and nuance I can’t possibly cover in one episode!


Register for TRIGGERED TO TRUTH (5 week group program for unpacking triggers in relationship):

Enroll in BOTH FEET IN (signature self-study course for overcoming relationship anxiety):

Register for ALIVENESS FROM WITHIN (5-day women’s retreat in California):