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The Anxious Love Coach

Here we talk relationship anxiety, ROCD, and upgrading love partnerships-- how to go from DOUBTING your relationship to LOVING it and gushing about your partner.

Jan 16, 2023

“Emotions” like anxiety and depression are often cover emotions for deeper emotions like grief and anger – and working through our resistance to these emotions so we can arrive at our “core” emotions can help us access our calm, compassionate self. In this episode, I bring on emotions educator Hilary Jacobs Hendel, author of “It’s Not Always Depression,” to give you tangible tools for working through anxiety and depression to have a richer emotional experience.


Some extra resources:

Why Can’t I Shut Off My Mind?

It’s Not Always Depression, Sometimes It’s Shame (NYT OpEd):

It’s Not Always Depression: Working the Change Triangle to Listen to the Body, Discover Core Emotions, and Connect With Your Authentic Self (Random House & Penguin UK):

Print out the Change Triangle:

Facilitate Emotions Education 101 Classes with the Emotions Education 101 Turnkey Curriculum: