Here we talk relationship anxiety, ROCD, and upgrading love partnerships-- how to go from DOUBTING your relationship to LOVING it and gushing about your partner.
This goes for any women in relationships with men, or yin
people in relations with yang people. If you find yourself feeling
"off" in your relationship, it might not be you're in the wrong
relationship but playing the wrong role. Here's how to flip
Consciousness Exercise Series has been renamed to:
Anxious to Spacious, my women's group, starts October 24th.
Next Patreon community support call: Sunday, October 6th at
9am PST (btw, my husband Preston will be joining me so you can pick
his brain!)
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Here we talk about relationship anxiety and upgrading love partnerships-- how to go from DOUBTING your relationship to LOVING it and gushing about your partner.